
Thursday 16 May 2013

Google Glass: Developers reveal their secrets

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Google Glass was a common sight on Wednesday as software savants here shared visions of games, weather reports, news and more delivered to the internet-linked eyewear. Many of the 6,000 developers attending an annual Google I/O event in San Francisco sported Glass as part of an "explorer" programme to tinker with creative applications for the eyewear, which cost $1,500 a unit.

Uses ranged from practical tasks such as shopping or delivering local weather reports to sharing real time video streams of riding cable cars or playing augmented reality games in which the world is the board.

"I've been wearing them most days since I got them three weeks ago," said Jacob Hilker, a Massachusetts college student who works at online financial transactions titan PayPal.

"Glass has been useful," he continued. "Not so much when you are sitting at a desk, but when you are doing things like commuting to work; walking around the city on the weekend, or going out drinking you easily get text, emails, navigation... all that stuff."

And, he pointed out, one can tend to internet searches, messages and more without ever having to put down a drink.

Like others wearing Glass, Hilker said that he takes a lot more photos. Glass lets wearers take pictures, record video or perform other tasks with touch controls or by speaking "Okay Glass" followed by a command.

"Just walking down the street, I take a picture and share it in about five seconds," Hilker said.

Weather Channel product manager Robyn Weeks, who lives in Georgia, has had Glass for a week and so far has used it mostly for emails, pictures and videos.

It is obvious when someone wearing Glass is taking a picture, she noted, since the small screen from which the gadget got its name shines in what could be viewed as an "on-air" sign when the camera is in action.

Limited battery life in Glass, which is still in an early development phase, means that power would run out after about 30 minutes of continuous video.

Glass connects to the internet using Wi-Fi hot spots or, more typically, by being wirelessly tethered to mobile phones. Pictures or video are shared through the Google Plus social network.

Glass wearers said the eyewear attracts attention from passersby.

"People from outside of San Francisco and this area definitely look at you funny," Weeks said. "Instead of looking in your eyes while talking they look up at the corner where the screen is."

Glass comes with attachable tinted lenses that give the devices the look of sunglasses, making gadgetry built into frames less noticeable.

Developers in the Explorer program dismissed talk of banning wearing Glass while driving or at bars.

"It's ridiculous," Hilker said. "In no-picture establishments I can see it, but if places allow camera phones why ban this?" he asked rhetorically, pointing to his Glass.

Google co-founder and chief Larry Page depicted Glass as part of an ongoing effort to get computers "out of the way" so people can focus on lives enriched by what the internet has to offer.

"We want to make sure we are building experiences that make people really happy," Page said while speaking about Glass during a keynote presentation.

"We are relying on you to make happy users," he told developers. "Ultimately, I think a lot of your experiences will move to Glass."

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt said recently that it will take "a while" before consumer versions of Glass are available.
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Infosys says it may be issued subpoenas

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Infosys, said that it might be issued additional subpoenas in connection with the B-1 business visa investigation that is currently underway in the US.

Infosys said it was in discussion with the US Attorney's Office on this matter, but added it cannot predict the final outcome of the investigation or the discussions.

Infosys said this in a statutory form 20F disclosure filed with the SEC on Tuesday. When TOI contacted Infosys, it said, "As a listed company on the NYSE, we are regularly required to file information with the US SEC. This is a routine regulatory filing required by the SEC for the purpose of disclosing potential risks that may affect investors and is not a new development."

A subpoena is a writ issued by a court of justice requiring a person to appear before the court at a specified time. Two years back, the Bangalore-based IT company had received a subpoena from a grand jury of the United States District Court in Texas asking it to provide sponsorship details of B-1 visas. These visas are meant for staff visiting the country for meetings , conferences and business negotiations.
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Google‘s new tools aim to read your mind

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The company revealed some new search tools at I/O, its annual developers conference in San Francisco. Taken together, they are another step toward Google's trying to become the omnipotent, human-like " Star Trek" search engine that its executives say they want it to be.

When people ask Google certain questions, it will now try to predict the person's follow-up questions and answer them, too. Ask for the population of India, for instance, and you will also get the population of China and the United States, because Google knows those are the most common follow-up questions.

"The 'Star Trek' computer shouldn't just answer questions; it should make you more intelligent, should anticipate what you expect next," Amit Singhal, senior vice president for search at Google, said in an interview before the conference.

This is an extension of Google's knowledge graph - its semantic search product that aims to understand the meaning of things, not just keywords. It is why a search for Barack Obama brings up links to Hillary Clinton and Honolulu, for instance.

Google Now, the service that sends you information on traffic and weather before you even ask for it, is also digging deeper into our minds. Google is adding more entertainment alerts, like new music based on videos watched on YouTube, and turning Google Now into a robotic to-do list and a stronger competitor to Apple's Siri.

Tell Google to remind you to buy milk next time you are in a grocery store, for instance, and the alert will automatically pop up when you step inside a Safeway.

Google is also trying to make search more conversational by encouraging people to talk to their phones and computers and hear answers out loud.

Voice search has already been possible on both types of devices, but Google announced that people can now talk to its Chrome browser to perform a search, by saying, "OK Google." (If Google has its way, we will all soon be walking around shouting, "OK," because "OK Glass" is the command to activate its Internet-connected glasses.)

Google also uses location information to answer questions. So people can ask, "How far from here to Santa Cruz?" and Google will know where "here" is, or they can ask, "How tall do you have to be to ride the Giant Dipper?" and Google will know that is a ride nearby.

In another step to personalize search, Google is expanding its tool that plucks information from Gmail and presents it in search results. Already, a search for "flights" by logged-in users produces flight information from Gmail.

Now, you can ask Google to show your photos from your trip to New York last year, and it will find them on Google+ and show them to you.

Underlying many of these developments is Google's privacy policy, which it revised last year to permit the company to use information shared with one Google service on another one. That is why Google can, for instance, pull information from Gmail to show up in search results or send you alerts about new movies because of a trailer you have watched on YouTube.
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Businesses in the UAE Turn to Cloud Computing Security Solutions as Cyber Attacks Rise, Finds Frost & Sullivan

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The escalating number of attacks on web services in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is one of the most spammed countries worldwide, has lent impetus to the cloud computing security market in the country. The growing use of cloud services in the next few years, especially in non-traditional verticals such as retail and logistics, will drive the demand for cloud computing security solutions in the country. 

Upcoming analysis from Frost & Sullivan (, State of Cloud Computing Security in the UAE, finds that the market earned revenues of more than $8.7 million in 2012 and estimates this to reach $72.3 million by 2019. Large enterprises are set to be the chief revenue generators for cloud security suppliers in the long run. To get more insights on Frost & Sullivan strategic recommendations for the Cloud Computing Security Market in the UAE and view a recording of the recently hosted complimentary Webinar, click here. 

Although the UAE is yet to witness a shift to cloud computing, a number of benefits offered by the new model of delivering IT will eventually encourage its adoption among businesses in the country. This will boost demand for cloud security solutions, particularly in sensitive verticals such as public sector, oil and gas, and banking, financial services and insurance sectors. 

“The popularity of social media and the substantial increase in social website threats, such as identity thefts, have prompted several companies to scout for security applications capable of meeting their security needs,” said Frost & Sullivan Information and Communication Technologies Research Analyst. “In fact, nearly 1.5 million victims of cybercrime in the UAE in 2011 were chiefly scammed through social networking websites; hence, the implementation of cloud security systems is expected to go up.” 

The profit margins of third party security service providers are also on the rise as the lack of regulations and official standards for cloud computing compel users in the country to turn to third party solutions. On the flip side, the absence of regulations results in security issues and transparency concerns that affect consumer confidence. 

Low awareness among enterprises further contributes to the challenge, and providers must educate local businesses on the benefits of cloud security services to sustain uptake. Cloud providers need to market their security capabilities, which involve physical security as well as the protection of customer data from various risks including corruption and cyber-attacks. 

“To overcome security concerns at various levels, vendors in the UAE should direct their attention to the integration of robust security enforcement tools,” suggested the Analyst. “Building partnerships with key local and international cloud service providers will widen market reach.” 

Due to widely spread opinion that private cloud has better security layers and latency, private cloud solutions will become the dominant cloud model in the UAE. Therefore, focus on private cloud security solutions will pay dividends for cloud solution providers. 

If you are interested in more information on this research, please send an e-mail to Tanu Chopra, Corporate Communications, at, with your full name, company name, job title, telephone number, company e-mail address, company website, city, state and country. 

State of Cloud Computing Security in the UAE is part of the Network Security TechnologiesGrowth Partnership Service program. Frost & Sullivan’s related research services include: Data Centre Market in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries, Managed Services Market in the GCC, and Telecom market in North Africa. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants. 

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6 Ways to get a stronger erection

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Have you ever felt ashamed of not satisfying your partner because of erection problems?

(6 Ways to get a stronger erection…)

As you grow older you'll find it a little difficult to get a strong erection and satisfy your partner in bed. A weak erection can strain your sexual relationship, and hurt your pride as well, to say the least. So, it is always necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a fully satisfying sex life.

Remember, a strong and hard erection is something women crave most for while you gear up for some action between the sheets.
We bring you six ways to get a harder erection.
1. Eat well, keep it hard: Simple changes in your diet can increase your libido and give you a harder erection. Foods like bananas, eggs, nuts, figs, chillies, onions, and wine can increase your sexual prowess. Word of caution: Steer clear of junk food.
2. Your penis needs exercise: Healthy men are always sexually active. Exercise is one of the best ways to increase your sex drive and sexual potency. It reduces stress which is an erection-killer, and helps enhance testosterone production in the body. Kegel exercises are a perfect workout for the penis.
3. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol: You must have heard this a million times, smoking and drinking can really affect your sexual life. Smoking decreases your blood circulation, and results in less lung capacity. It can impact your ability to get and maintain an erection. And alcohol can numb the body and lead to temporary erectile dysfunction.
4. Don't masturbate too often: Save something for a real sex. Excessive masturbation can decrease your sexual appetite. Continual erections and ejaculations may lead to weaker erection the next day. So, control the urge!
5. Know the right sex positions: Always warm up with oral sex. Sexual positions like missionary and doggy style allow more blood flow, leading to a stronger and harder erection. And don't ever let her ride you first!
6. Throw away those tight undergarments: Avoid wearing tight, or any, undergarments, for that matter, while sleeping. It restricts blood flow to the penile tissues which in turn can affect erection strength. Always go for loose, airy underwear.
Simply stop worrying about weak erections and lead a healthy sex life.

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Google told to ‘remove‘ autocomplete search terms

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A top German court has ordered Google to act on requests to remove autocomplete entries from the search engine after a suit claimed the feature made defamatory suggestions. 

The Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe upheld a complaint from an unidentified company selling nutritional supplements and its founder, identified only as "RS." 

The plaintiffs claimed when their names were entered on Google's German-language website, it suggested links to Scientology and fraud. 

The autocomplete function is based on algorithms that take into account what other users have searched for. 

In its decision, the court said Google didn't have to vet all autocomplete suggestions in advance but did have to remove defamatory results when notified. 

A spokeswoman for Google in Germany said the company would comment on the verdict later on Tuesday.
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Bringing Lebanon's fashion industry online

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Lebanese fashion looks to online sales
Starting a business is never easy. But what are the challenges involved in setting up an online retailer in a country where internet speeds rank as some of the slowest in the world and where shoppers still prefer visiting bricks and mortar stores?
Two years ago Louise Doumet was in New York.
A woman approached her and asked her where she had bought her top. The next day someone asked about her earrings.
The pieces were made by Lebanese designers and not available in the US.
This set Louise thinking - if there was interest, how could she create a business that would bring the best of Lebanese design to an international market?
"We started thinking that there might be a great interest in Lebanese designers on the international level," says Ms Doumet.
Shoppers in a Beirut boutiqueCustomers often prefer to browse online but then visit retailers to try items on and purchase them
"A year later, we were online and two years later, here we are selling items to the US, to Russia, to the Middle East and, of course, to Lebanon."
The site is called, which in Arabic means: "It suits you well."
First steps
Ecommerce in the country is still in the early stages, and consumers have yet to embrace online shopping in the same way they have in other countries.
In 2012, ecommerce sales grew to over $1 trillion worldwide, according to eMarketer. Of that the Middle East and Africa as a whole accounted for only 1.9% of the total.
Lebelik.comThe website is optimised to cope with slow internet speeds
Another problem start-ups in Lebanon are faced with is painfully slow connections speeds.
"We manage to work around it," she says.
"We've always known that it was slow, so we can't actually blame anyone. But then we tried to upload the pictures on the website in a way that makes it very easy for people to download, so actually the download time on the website is not that long. So people don't feel it is slow."
The site features pieces from 24 designers. When a piece is sold, the company takes a percentage of the sale. Rather than hold stock in a central warehouse, items are picked up from the designer, packed in a branded box and then shipped.
Leather goods shop in BeirutDesign sensibilities: Lebanon's designers sometimes struggle to get their goods to the international market
"It might not sound very efficient to go and pick up every item from every address, but Lebanon is small and Beirut is small," says Ms Doumet.
"Buying online habits are not very well engraved in people's minds and industry, but I think it will pick up, and I think it is coming.
"Once people have changed their habits, when people are more used to buying online, then yes definitely it is a very viable business in my opinion."
The site now sells several pieces a day. But many customers use the site to browse and then visit the shops in person to try on and buy. Ms Doumet does not see this as a bad thing.
"Now from the outside, it could be seen as 'I wish this didn't happen' or 'It is a bad thing', but I think in the longer term it could be beneficial for both us and the designers."
Some of their best customers, she says, are expat Lebanese me buying gifts for wives, girlfriends and family still living in the country.
"I just find it touching and charming every time a man sends a gift with a small note - interesting, charming and profitable."
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