
Wednesday 10 July 2013

Nasscom sees exciting times ahead for Indian IT

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ET Now caught up with R Chandrashekhar, president-designate, Nasscom, for his take on his new role as the Nasscom president and his outlook for the IT industry. Excerpts:

ET Now: You will soon be the president of Nasscom. Are you excited about this new opportunity?

R Chandrashekhar: Undoubtedly. It is a very exciting opportunity, it is a very exciting time for the Indian IT sector and the sector as a whole is about to embark on what could well turn out to be the most exciting phase of growth ahead.

ET Now: You have clearly a very key role to play in terms of staring the industry to achieve the target of becoming a $300-billion industry by 2020. But looking at the tough demand environment and the world moving to a very protectionist attitude, do you think it is going to be possible or do you think it is going to be a very challenging task?

R Chandrashekhar: Undoubtedly it is a challenging task because if you just look at the arithmetic of it, to grow to $300 billion by 2020 requires a sustained growth of around 15% on a compound basis year on year for eight years. That is an average. So if there are some yearsyou grow at a slower pace, then it has to be compensated. This in a scenariothe global GDP growth rate has dropped to around 3%. So clearly, this is going to be a challenge if you are simply looking at doing more of what is being done. The challenge, therefore, is to look at both new market openings across the globe and new areas and new domains as well as the opportunities offered by the newer technologies, andof these are bristling with opportunities.

Similarly in the domestic market, there are a number of dots that are already in place. If you look at the spread of mobile across the country, if you look at the broadband revolution, that is on the anvil. You look at the number of start-ups and entrepreneurial companies which are coming up. So there are really a lot of areas and the government itself has come up with a number of initiatives. I mentioned about the broadband plan. We have UID, DBT. So there are lots of possibilities over here. The key question is how do you connectthese dots and actually maximise the potential of the industry. Having said that, the other aspect is that there are undoubtedly significant challenges both on the global arena as well as on the domestic front. The excitement comestrying to capturethe opportunities while simultaneously dealing with many challenges surrounding those opportunities.

ET Now: So looking at the challenges then, Nasscom has given out a guidance of 12% to 14% growth for the industry for FY14. On Friday itself we are kick-starting earnings with Infosys. Do you see the bias for downward revision looking at the demand scenario?

R Chandrashekhar: As I said, there are a lot of different things which need to be done both in terms of looking at new markets as well as new opportunities and some of these are not things which can be done in a very short term. However, as I said, there are enough indicators that we are moving in the right direction, but there is a lot of work ahead.

ET Now: Somehow the IT industry in the past has criticised the Nasscom guidance. In fact, several IT companies have gone on record and have indicated that Nasscom now really needs to rework the way they will give their annual guidance. Why is that happening?

R Chandrashekhar: First, I must clarify on a small point of honour actually. I am not yet the President of Nasscom. So I would not reallyto speak on Nasscom at this moment. That would not be appropriate, but having regard to the point that you mentioned, yes, there are different perspectives within the sector and that is only natural when you grow to a size of $100 billion. There are different verticals within the sector which have different perspectives, which have different needs, which are looking for different things bothNasscom as well asthe ecosystem within the country. And as we go into different domains, be it financial services, be it health services or education or a whole range of services, then we also need to keep in mind the different perspectives of those domains as well. So the question is: how do you really putof these perspective together, distil out what is common, address that and also address the niche requirements of each segment to the extent that hey are differentiated? I do not see those different perspectives are in anyway a negative aspect. They are very positive aspects.

ET Now: Once you take over as a president of Nasscom, would you be seriously considering in revising the methodology in which Nasscom gives a guidance because the problem is that the guidance becomes a for analysts and investors to judge the growth rate for large cap IT stocks?

R Chandrashekhar: Well, that is something which would be premature for me to comment on now because it would also be not right without actually having gone into the depth of how these projections and guidances are given. But certainly these are areas which would need to be looked at having regard to some of the concerns which have been expressed.

ET Now: What is Nasscom's stand when it comes to the Immigration Bill? Do you expect some dilution in the bill when the House of Representatives and Republicans meet tonight?

R Chandrashekhar: Once again I do not wish to and at this point it would not be right for me to speak on behalf of Nasscom, but as far as the Immigration Bill itself is concerned, the fact is that this bill poses issues. There are many areas which the IT industry in India is not comfortable with and which could have implications in the short term as well as possibly in the medium term. But equally worrisome is the fact thatthis perspective, it does not look very good even for the US economy and since the Indian industry, as far as the US is concerned, would have to grow along with the US economy and not at the cost of the US economy, that is not good for maximising the potential of Indian and US collaboration and business in this sector. So I would certainly hope that these would be corrected, these aberrations would be corrected so as to maximise the potential for business between Indian and US industries in this area as well as to optimise the impact on the US economy because we would certainlythat the US economy should grow as well. Therein lies the best hope for the growth of IT industry in India.

ET Now: You have been an outsider. Soon you will be an insider of Nasscom. Which one change you are likely to incorporate as soon as you take over as the President of Nasscom? I am sure you have been thinking about it, it is a big role and I am sure you have prepared for that role?

R Chandrashekhar: Certainly I have been thinking and I will continue to think and it is going to be a little while before I actually take over. So the key areas are how do we really look at the different markets, what are the opportunities in both the existing marketsthe US and Europe. We are seeing some interesting signs that despite the downward trends in the economies in some of those countries, there are opportunities created by the very pressures of those economies. Similarly there are possibilities that in relatively newer marketsJapan, Africa, some parts of Europe and so on, those are certainly areas which one needs to evaluate very carefully in terms of what additional steps are required.

I know that Nasscom has already been a lot in these areas. So the question is what else can we be doing? There the corrective wisdom of the industry and especially those companies which have been working in these markets, which would be important. Equally within the country as we spread to different sectors, the experience within the government across sectors not just in IT but across different domains, the experience of working in different parts of India, especially including the rural areasa lot of opportunity would lie going forward especially when you look at broad band and the kind of services that it would have.

The last aspect is especially important which is that since a lot of growth behind the ambitious aspirations, that are now being set or looked at, lie in doing new things or doing things differently, promoting the whole culture of entrepreneurship of the start-ups and of innovation is absolutely critical. That is certainly significant areanot only I wouldto concentrate on, but wouldto bring whatever knowledge and experience I have to the table as well as to hearthe companies which are currently there in that area as to what their expectations are and that is an areaI hope to work together with the industry.


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