
Thursday 12 September 2013

How robots are reshaping jobs

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Technology is driving a big rearrangement in the job market , disturbing their distribution over geographies and sectors.
Pat Pressings is a Rs 1.5 crore component manufacturer near Cochin for the tiller industry. Its director Punnoose Kiran Prince is struggling of late to get employees to do skilled work. It is not that people are always unavailable, but most of them leave after short periods. So, he is now looking for an inexpensive robot to do some jobs, especially welding.

"Job hopping is a big problem with people," says Prince, "while a robot is always available. Its work is also of consistent quality." Prince would buy a robot when it is available at the right price. Across the country, robots are making their way into small companies like Pat Pressings, mostly doing jobs people are not willing to do, like picking up things and putting them elsewhere all day long.

"Many industrial jobs are so repetitive," says Ajay Gopalswamy, CEO of the Bangalore-based DiFACTO Robotics and Automation, a systems integrator, "that people are not willing to do them even if you pay more." It isn't clear, however, what other unskilled jobs are available to them. The robots that make their way into Indian factories, large or small, will substantially increase their productivity. According to the International Federation of Robotics, the market for robots in India will increase from 1,547 units now to 3,500 units by 2015.

Not a large number, but a start in the long journey to automate Indian factories. "The main benefit to having machines replace humans is improved productivity , less danger to humans and, sometimes, better quality work or responses," says Hung LeHong, VP and Gartner Fellow of Gartner, a research and advisory firm. Use of large-scale robotics is only part of the story of automation.

Over the next decade, automation and other related technologies will seep into every industrial sector imaginable. It has already affected manufacturing in the country, especially in the automobile sector, contributing to the reduction of its employment intensity over the last six years. However, automation is not just about physical robots. It is now touching all the major big employment sectors, reducing jobs in some places and creating jobs in others. It raises productivity in all cases, and will also likely create more jobs.

Automation will create problems too. Many economists feel technology is taking the world to an era of jobless growth, but an equal number also think that it will create more jobs in the long run by ploughing the increased wealth back into the economy. "Technology reduces as well as creates jobs, but the two are usually not at the same place or at the same time," says National Research Professor RA Mashelkar.

"So, we need to have smart proactive policies to create a win-win situation from a loss-loss situation." In the IT industry, many low-level jobs are likely to be replaced by intelligent software.In healthcare, automation and decision-support systems are helping doctors augment their knowledge and reduce errors. In education , technology is helping solve the problem of not having enough teachers.

Overall, technology is having a positive impact on all of these sectors. But does it help if 10,000 jobs are shed in Punjab, while Bangalore gains 20,000? Or, if one million jobs are lost in India and three million jobs gained in another country? What about movement across sectors? Or time? As economies—and companies—grow , they tend to become more capital-based rather than labour-based these days.

"Businesses need flexibility," says Crisil chief economist DK Joshi, "and so they become more capital intensive." Would capital-based growth produce enough jobs? As automation gains momentum, it is going to intensify the skills gap that industry is grappling with. A 2012 McKinsey Global Institute report said that India and other developing countries could have 58 million surplus low-skilled workers by 2020. At the same time, India could also have a shortage of 13 million medium-skill workers.

"Automation is likely to intensify this gap," says Anu Madgavkar, MGI senior fellow and India head. India will add 174 million people to the labour market by 2030. Will they have the right skills to remain employed? 

Those aspiring to work in the IT industry would have noticed a drop in campus hiring. Most people would blame the slowdown for the dull job market, but some industry veterans suspect something more fundamental. Certain jobs, very popular in India, may no longer be necessary in such large numbers.

Among these are remote infrastructure management, some testing of code, parts of application maintenance and platform-oriented BPO.

"Technology is responsible for part of the slowdown in hiring," says Sid Pai, Asia-Pacific president of ISG, a technology intelligence and advisory services firm. While the IT industry will continue to be a large employer, jobs in IT will no longer grow at a hectic pace. The industry may no longer hire graduates who are not motivated in reinventing themselves continually. And automation technology is a strong reason why companies pause before hiring.

"Technology is fundamentally getting embedded into organisations and leading to transformations," says Nasscom chairman Som Mittal. "And there is no zero sum game in this." Growth of IT organisations would not be linear, depending on the relentless addition of people. The IT industry has been through this period before. People felt threatened with ERP platforms, but they led to more jobs. Several industry veterans feel the current wave of automation will also have a similar outcome, but not necessarily immediately.

"Ten years ago, nobody had thought of big data, but now it has led to many jobs," says Pankaj Rai, analytics director of Dell International Services. "People are creative and so they will invent something new." However, the jobs lost and those gained could be completely different, and not transferable in most cases. The best example is in the evolution of the automobile.

Car factories these days are very lean, employing fewer and fewer people on the shop floor. But automobile companies are responsible for a large number of jobs through a hierarchy of suppliers who keep expanding . "The car is the centre of the universe," says Venkatesh Prasad, senior technical leader, vehicle design and infotronics, Ford Research and Innovation. The modern car company now hires professionals hardly likely to be associated with the industry some time ago.

"We hire engineers, social scientists, environmental scientists, psychologists and other kinds of people," says Prasad. The car industry also creates a large number of jobs outside, to make the increasingly complex subsystems in the modern car. There seems to evolve rapidly too. Large-scale adoption of electric cars will bring a new paradigm to the industry.

New safety features require a large number of driver assistance technologies. And so on. The employment intensity of manufacturing has been steadily declining. According to Crisil, Indian industry employed 12.2 people to produce Rs 10 lakh of output. In 2011-12 , this had dropped to 7.2 people per Rs 10 lakh. The scope for automation is still very high in India. For example, German company Volkswagen's plant near Pune has an automation of 30% in its body shop. In Germany this number would have been 90%. Over the next decade or two, the auto industry will automate manufacturing still more. The efficiencies gained will plough back into the economy. We just don't always know where or when. Or how. 

Rebalance The first era of financial sector automation was highly visible. They consisted of massive computerisation and opening ATMs, all resisted substantially by the employees. Banks and finance companies continued to automate and hire people, as they expanded in a big way in the country.

The second wave of finance sector automation is not so visible , as they happen inside the servers and networks of the banks, but they could generate high value for the banks. Its impact on jobs is not so clear. Consumer experience is the biggest driver of technology in banks now, as their CIOs frequently talk about optimisation, control and innovation. The central banks insist on automation to make sure the data is correct. Banks use analytics more to understand the customer, and make sure their products work well across all channels. Says Yes Bank CIO Surendra Shetty: "The future is about providing a consistent customer experience across all channels."

Such automation will reduce employment in mature markets, but Indian banks are expanding and need people all the time. "Technology improves productivity, and let the employees bogged down by servicing customers to go on to higher quality work," says Shetty. Which means that routine jobs will reduce slowly while those that require higher knowledge will increase.

"Banks will redeploy some of their resources to tap rural areas through employment of banking correspondents ," says Moorthy Uppaluri, CEO of Randstad India. "Employees will have to reskill and move up the value chain." The finance sector in India is still not as sophisticated as it is in some developed markets. The number of different products is not large. Their IT infrastructure works with a large number of independent systems, each for a different product. Some leading banks have nearly 100 different systems that do not talk to each other.

One of their aims is to reduce this complexity, while offering more products. Banks can provide more sophisticated products by developing the ability to tie external data with internal data. "The expansion of banking as well as the increasing sophistication will result in more jobs," says Vivek Subramanyam, CEO of iCreate Software, a business intelligence solutions provider for banks. So, in the financial sector, reduction in employment could be balanced by other trends.

Similar trends will drive hiring in some other sectors like pharma or life sciences, especially in the R&D space. Automation is not quite the driver here, but it does play a part. Traditional drug-based therapies are now being replaced by genomics, bioengineering and, one day, therapies based on stem cells. As in finance, there could be a balancing out here. Some of these technologies use automation, but people work alongside the machines. 

If you want to see the future of healthcare, Narayana Health City in Bangalore is a nice place to begin. Its founder and thoracic surgeon Devi Shetty is working hard to change the healthcare system, as we know it, improving access while raising quality standards. One of his prime exhibits now is a simulator under development for training surgical nurses. "The success of surgeries would depend on the care that nurses take," says Shetty.

"But there is no satisfactory way now to train them well." Shetty cites the airline industry, which adopted simulators to train pilots and improved safety standards significantly. His simulator trains nurses to put a central line, a wire that goes through an artery into the heart. It is a delicate job, requiring patience and skill, and teaching it is hard. A trainee nurse gets only one or two opportunities a day to practise in a hospital. Shetty's simulator lets nurses practice as much as they want, and not on patients.

It would be a revolution when in the market. When the healthcare system expands rapidly in the country, nurses would perform a critical role in its delivery . The arrival of technologies like the simulator would help hospitals to train nurses rapidly and increase their number exponentially. As hospitals expand into rural areas and healthcare into homes, a different set of professionals—call them augmented nurses— could become mediators between the doctor and the patient.

In Shetty's view, hospitals will only look at critical care. Everything else will spread out into a new set of institutions and professionals. Automation is the method through which this healthcare expansion will work, and experts see it creating many jobs. "Healthcare automation will often need more people," says Srivatsan Aparajithan, CEO of Vidal Health, a health management and services firm.

Healthcare is among the industries where robots and automated software will work along with the professionals rather than replace them. Education is another . This $43 billion private industry is also in an expansion mode in India, as technology is improving education quality and access. It is creating a large number of jobs as well. "Hundred percent e-learning will not work in India," says Poornima Shenoy, founder- CEO of Latitude, a skills training company. Healthcare and education are moving rapidly into the era of personal management. People with devices at homes can monitor their health, and mobile connectivity to hospitals will ensure advice on tap.

Learning continues right through one's career, through e-learning and hands-on training. Both industries are driven by automation technologies working alongside with people, creating enormous opportunities. Says LeHong of Gartner: "Human versus machine is not a binary decision, and there are times when machines working alongside humans is a better choice. A new generation of robots is being built to purposely work alongside humans."


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