“We have to narrow as much as possible the bridge to
familiarity,” Craig Weiss, NJOY’s president, said of the selling of
e-cigarettes. “We have to make it easy for smokers to cross it.”
His was an electronic cigarette, a look-alike that delivers nicotine
without combusting tobacco and produces a vapor, not smoke. Mr. Vuleta,
51, who has a sardonic humor, clearly relished recounting this story.
He is the chief marketing officer for NJOY, an electronic cigarette company
based in Scottsdale, Ariz., and it is his job to reframe how everyone,
nonsmokers included, view the habit of inhaling from a thin stick and
blowing out a visible cloud.
Mr. Vuleta, who told his tale in the office of Craig Weiss,
the NJOY chief executive, calls this a process of “renormalizing,” so
that smokers can come back in from the cold. He means that literally —
allowing people now exiled to the sidewalks back into buildings with
e-cigarettes. But he also means it metaphorically. Early in the last
century, smoking was an accepted alternative for men to chewing tobacco;
for women, it was daring and transgressive. Then, in midcentury, it
became the norm. As the dangers of tobacco — and the scandalous behavior
of tobacco companies in concealing those dangers — became impossible to
ignore, smoking took on a new identity: societal evil.
Mr. Vuleta and Mr. Weiss want to make “vaping,” as e-cigarette smoking
is known in the industry, acceptable. Keith Richards might still be
smoking tobacco, but in Mr. Vuleta’s vision, that grizzled guitarist’s
gesture could inspire the audience, en masse, to pull out e-cigarettes.
“The moment Keith Richards does it,” he said, “everyone else does, too.”
Mr. Vuleta’s words are more exuberant than the official company line,
which is that NJOY doesn’t want everyone to smoke e-cigarettes but only
to convert the 40 million Americans who now smoke tobacco. The customers
NJOY attracts, and how it attracts them, are at the center of a new
public health debate, not to mention a rush to control the e-cigarette
At stake is a vaping market that has grown in a few short years to
around $1.7 billion in sales in the United States. That is tiny when
compared to the nation’s $90 billion cigarette market. But one
particularly bullish Wall Street analyst projects that consumption of
e-cigarettes will outstrip regular ones in the next decade.
NJOY was one of the first companies to sell e-cigarettes; now there are
200 in the United States, most of them small. Just last year, however,
Big Tobacco got into the game when Lorillard acquired Blu, an e-cigarette brand,
and demonstrated its economic power. Within months, relying on
Lorillard’s decades-old distribution channels, Blu displaced NJOY as the
market leader.
Mr. Weiss still sees NJOY as having an advantage — in building
e-cigarettes that look, feel and perform like the real thing. It’s a
different strategy than that of competing products that look like long
silver tubes or sleek, blinking fountain pens.
“We’re trying to do something very challenging: change a habit that is
not only entrenched but one people are willing to take to their grave,”
said Mr. Weiss, who is not a smoker but has tried both regular and
e-cigarettes. “To accomplish that, we have to narrow as much as possible
the bridge to familiarity. We have to make it easy for smokers to cross
To some, though not all, in public health, that vision sounds
ill-conceived, if not threatening. Among their concerns is that making
smoking-like behavior O.K. again will undo decades of work demonizing
smoking itself. Far from leading to more smoking cessation, they argue, e-cigarettes will ultimately revive it, and abet new cases of emphysema, heart disease and lung cancer.
“The very thing that could make them effective is also their greatest danger,” said Dr. Tim McAfee, director of Office on Smoking and Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
To achieve his ends, Mr. Weiss is building a company of strange
bedfellows. He has hired former top tobacco industry executives, but
also attracted a former surgeon general, Dr. Richard H. Carmona, who has
joined the board. NJOY recently hired away a prominent professor of
chemistry and genomics from Princeton to be the company’s chief
scientist. The company has attracted investment from Sean Parker, the
former Facebook president, and Peter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder. There
has also been a celebrity endorsement from the singer Bruno Mars.
Mr. Weiss sees his company as doing something epic. Not long after he
was named its president in June 2010, he asked his psychologist if he
might record his regular sessions. It was an unusual request, but he
thinks that recording his thoughts might ultimately help him write a
book or movie script about how he and the company made the cigarette
“We’re at this incredible inflection point in history,” he said, adding
that the company has a chance to “make the single most beneficial impact
on society in this century.”
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