
Monday 2 December 2013

Is Jeff Bezos' Amazon to be the 'next Walmart'?

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Jeffrey Preston Bezos may probably have the most recognisable laugh — "a guttural roar that sounds like a cross between a mating elephant seal and a power tool," as Bloomberg Businessweek journalist Brad Stone describes it — among America's tech titans, but don't let that fool you. Few bosses may be harder to please than he.

The founder-CEO of Amazon. com finds it baffling that others cannot match his intellect and once told an employee who wondered when Amazon would have better worklife balance that the company may not be the right place for her. Amazon's revenues, which in 2012 were $61.09 billion, have been growing at an enviable clip, but the 19-year-old Seattle-based company has struggled with profitability.

It lost $39 million last year, while Google made $10.74 billion on revenues of $50.2 billion. But this is not surprising to Amazon's shareholders, who have bought into Bezos's long-term vision, driving up the company's market value to $175 billion, as Amazon has moved from an online seller to a marketplace to cloud service provider to tablet maker.

Stone's recent book The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon captures this contradiction methodically alongside Amazon's many battles, including with publishers, eBay and Apple. Earlier this month, the book won the Financial Times-Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year award. Excerpts from an email interview with Stone:

When did the idea to write this book occur? How long did researching and writing take?

I had the notion of writing this book years ago, but there was not much interest in telling the Amazon story. It didn't quite seem as interesting as, say, Google or Facebook. When the Walter Isaacson book on Steve Jobs came out, I saw that not only was there a big appetite for books about the tech icons changing our world but that the Amazon story kept getting more and more interesting. So I went for it. The entire process took about two years.

Amazon has been a listed company for 15 years but still it is not making enough money. Why then are investors still backing it?

I would say Amazon's profits are there, but they are invisible. It has demonstrated glimpses of this in previous years, such as 2010 or 2011. But it has telegraphed the fact that it sees great opportunity in the future of the internet and e-commerce and that it will continue to invest in its operations. Over the past two years, Amazon CFO Tom Skutak has said the company is in an "investment cycle," as it has been releasing new hardware, entering new product categories like groceries and building fulfilment centres all over the world.

It is long-term and shareholders understand all this. They are not concerned with the bottom line as much as market share growth and free cash flow. They are investing in what they believe will be the "next Walmart". So far, Amazon's top line growth has hardly slowed at all, so there are plenty of reasons to remain very optimistic if you are an Amazon shareholder.

How has Bezos managed to resist investors' attempts till now to get someone else to run the company?

There was only one moment of doubt — in late 1999 and 2000, around the time of the dotcom bust. Amazon's directors wondered if Amazon was losing too much money and whether Jeff had the leadership abilities to run a big company. Jeff himself may have doubted himself at that time. But ultimately he decided he wanted to be deeply involved, and the chief operating officer of the company left Amazon after a year.

The board might have considered trying to replace Jeff — though several denied it to me — but ultimately he and his family owned such a large percentage of the company that it would have been difficult to achieve. And now of course Jeff is considered one of the greatest living CEOs in business.

When you compare Bezos to Steve Jobs in your book why do you say Bezos's propaganda about Amazon is 'persuasive but ultimately unsatisfying'? What about Jobs's propanganda?

First, I'm not sure Steve's "reality distortions" were any more persuasive than Jeff 's. Both are relentless advocates for their companies and wear their passions on their sleeves. Jeff talks about wanting Amazon to be the most customer-focused company in the world. I described that as unsatisfying — for me as a journalist, at least — because no company would ever describe itself as not being customer focused.

Jeff speaks directly to his customers; it's disciplined public relations. But to truly understand Amazon, we have to look for new ways to describe it. In a way Jeff Bezos can not effectively characterize his company, since he is such a devout proponent for it. It's why we need outside accounts like The Everything Store.

You quote Bezos as saying there is 'no aha moment' in how an idea is birthed and that it's a messy process. The quote seems to imply he believes in the collaborative nature of ideation.

Jeff clearly drove many of the big ideas at Amazon, particularly over its first 15 years. Colleagues described him to me as an idea machine capable of spouting new notions nearly every day. Some were way, way ahead of their time — the idea to stock two of any products in a fulfilment centre, to meet any possible customer request. But Jeff also constantly and relentlessly challenged how he and his colleagues thought of their own business.

Such flexibility spawned the effort that gave birth to the Kindle and to Amazon Web Services. Clearly many of his colleagues were deeply involved and responsible for bringing those visions to fruition. But unlike the situation at many other Silicon Valley companies, where the creation was more collaborative, Jeff really did drive the vision at Amazon.
Apple seems to be feeling Jobs's absence and since Amazon is as closely identified with Bezos as Apple was with Jobs, how difficult would it be for Amazon to envision a post-Bezos scenario?

All founder-led companies ultimately have to face this difficult transition. It is a huge challenge for Amazon because the company is tuned to the way he thinks and how he processes information. It is also not clear to me that there is anyone so fiercely intelligent and versatile to run not just a retail business but a digital services business [the Kindle] and an enterprise business [Amazon Web services]. That said, Jeff is about to turn 50 years in January and likely has many decades ahead running Amazon.

You say Amazon still wants to have a brick-and-mortar presence. Why? Any idea what form it will take?

It is something they have always explored. For now it is not quite clear what unique innovations they might bring to it — and how they could get the same return on invested capital by building actual physical locations. At the same time, it's clear they are searching for new retail channels for their growing family of hardware devices.

Soon Amazon might have phones and set-top boxes. These are devices that people want to handle in person, and Amazon may not be able to rely on retailers like Best Buy that view Amazon as a rival. To consider it further, the idea of an Amazon store is interesting. Microsoft and Apple can sell only their own products in their stores.

Amazon could sell its Kindle devices while also selling a sampling of popular products from across its site. Who knows, they might use physical locations as hubs for a budding Amazon Fresh grocery business. I'm speculating, but never underestimate the ability of Bezos and his team to try bold things.

Amazon has often been accused of using its might to its advantage in relation to competitors and publishers? Do you agree this is no different from a large retail chain squeezing out momand-pop stores or a large company leveraging its size to get better deals from its suppliers?

I agree. I endeavored in the book to put Amazon in the broader context of retail and large discounters over the past century. Success of these companies — Walmart, Target, Tesco, Woolworths, all the way back to A&P grocery chain in the US — usually has a damaging effect on businesses around them. Perhaps with Amazon the effect is a bit different, because small retailers can also sell on the Amazon marketplace. Ultimately Amazon is a weather pattern that disturbs everything around it.

Stone’s recent book The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon captures this contradiction methodically alongside Amazon’s many battles.

Bezos warns his executives against 'narrative fallacy'. Did you also have to battle it while telling Amazon's story?

Absolutely. The narrative fallacy suggests humans have a biological inclination to simplify stories and leave out the complexity and chaos. There was probably no way to avoid it — I was writing about lots of events that happened simultaneously, such as the emergence of the Kindle and Amazon's cloud business.

Yet I was attempting to string them out into an organized narrative. So I tried to concede that inevitable flaw in the prologue and then I plunged ahead anyway.

Do you think it's too early to gauge Bezos's legacy and what do you think it would be?

It's not too early. Amazon is 20 years old and has already changed the way people shop, read and the way other companies run their computer infrastructure. It has been one of the defining corporations of the Internet age and all of it springs from Jeff's ingenuity and relentless drive. Right now, Jeff 's legacy as one of the most important businessmen at the dawn of the Internet age is secure. That said, he might accomplish even more.

If his space company Blue Origin fulfils its mission of lowering the cost of access to space; or if Amazon reaches the size of Walmart one day; or if Bezos himself turns around the Washington Post and finds a role for newspapers in the new media environment, we may think of him as one of the greatest businessmen ever.

Few tech companies seem to have striven so much for 'value to the customer' at the cost of its employees' welfare (Bezos's scoffing at work-life balance) and its profitability. What do you think are the takeaways?

I don't think I would quite agree with that. I don't think value to the customer is achieved at the expense of employee's welfare. I think Bezos and Co have created a driving culture that rewards hard work and constant innovation and big ideas. The culture suits some people; it does not suit many others. There are lots of lessons to learn from Amazon.

Never stop innovating or questioning the fundamentals of your business. Disrupt yourself before others do. Continually motivate employees so that they never get too complacent — see Yahoo, AOL and many other Internet companies for evidence of what happens when they do. Regarding profitability, Bezos was smart to train his investors from early on.

In his first letter to shareholders he said he would favour free cash flow over profits, and he has done it. Not many other tech leaders can get away with that. But Bezos can, because he described his philosophy early on and he has been proven right again and again.

Do you think Amazon Web Services is what will deliver profits for the company in the immediate future?

Revenues, certainly, but profits perhaps not. They see lots of growth opportunities in "the cloud" and are expanding rapidly, layering on features and adding infrastructure and expensive data centres. Right now rivals like IBM and Microsoft are scrambling to catch up with Amazon, so I can't imagine Amazon would be comfortable resting on its laurels. They are reinvesting in the business.

Has anything happened since Bezos wrote back to Ted Jorgensen, Bezos's biological father who, till you met him, did not know what his son had become? Did they meet?

I do not believe it has progressed past that email.


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